Back from MARC…

Instead of watching the falling snow outside my window right now, I’d much rather remember last April when I got to spend a week on beautiful Hawaii participating in the MARC XI conference. It was great to see old friends again and meet new people. There was quite a large group of students there, too, […]

Annual INSEN meeting 2018

This year I am finally able to participate in the INSEN annual meeting again, since it does not coincide with my family holiday this year. And it’s good that I am here since I was asked to act as vice chair for the INSEN network, which I’m honored to do! We already had a running […]

MTAA Baby!

As I’m writing this, I’m waiting to board my plane to Amsterdam to participate in the 14th Modern Trends in Activation Analysis conference to be held in Delft this year. And even though between private holidays and other travel thus was quite a busy summer, I’m really looking forward to this! I’ve been poring over […]

Across Borders

Yesterday, I crossed the border between Austria and Germany to participate in the Across Borders Workshop Julia Budka kindly invited me. So I find myself sitting in the very impressive Musem of Egyptian Art in Munich, listening to all those colleagues from archaeology give their talks and reports. And while I’m able to gain quite […]

INSEN Working Group Meeting

Straight from the airport to the VIC! I’m one day late to this year’s INSEN working group meeting, but as I was told I was already signed up for several tasks yesterday 😛 Today we made good progress, I have several volunteers to work on the remaining teaching materials for the Master Program, looking forward […]


On sunday night I arrived in Aachen for this year’s Seminar on Activation Analysis and Gamma Spectroscopy (SAAGAS 25). It’s good to meet with all my colleagues again and I’m very happy to have Veronika present her work on the Szilard-Chalmers Effect of Molybdenum. She’s giving her talk right now and is wowing all those […]