On this page I will provide presentations I have prepared for various reasons, mostly for teaching purposes at TU Wien. As such, some will be in german. Please be aware that I hardly ever put all information presented during my talks on my slides, however they should be a useable overview on the topics.
- Physikalische Analytik Presented during my introduction to the Faculty of Physics on 28th of March 2019 at the TU Wien.
- Spurensuche mit Neutronen Presented at AC²T Student Camp 21 in September 2021
- NAA for provenancing at the Atominstitut Presented at the Kick-Off Workshop Archaeometry in historical Archaeology of the unit Archaeometry at the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
- NAA zur Herkunftsbestimmung am Atominstitut Presented at the 17th Archäologentag on Feburary 28th 2018 in Salzburg.
- Neutron Activation Analysis for Provenancing of Cultural Heritage Objects Poster presented at the Heritage Science Days 2017 in Vienna.
- Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie – Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse zur Herkunftsbestimmung First presented at VIAS for the lecture 060060 VO Naturwissenschaftliche Methoden (Archäometrie) (2017W) (current version: 2024W)
- NAA von Keramik Presented at Universität Salzburg for the lecture 101.104 Archäometrie
- Simulated NAA Datasets for improved discrimination between Chemical Fingerprints presented at MARC XII conference in April 2022
- NAA von Keramik presented at Universität Innsbruck for the ATRIUM-Ringvorlesung 644062 Integrative Methoden in January 2023
- Chemical and Archaeological Provenance – Do we mean the same? presented at the Athens branch of the Austrian Archaeological Institute for the workshop on Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research in the Peloponnese – Technological Traditions through the Ages in Arpil 2024
- Cs and Sr adsorption capabilities of clinoptilolite Presented at MARC XI conference on April 13th 2018 on Hawaii.
- Radiation: Basics, Measurement and Application for the lecture Environmental and biotechnological analysis (771303) presented at University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)